What is your book about?

My story follows the journey of a young girl and her struggle with an unusual spindly stranger. Calliope, or P for short, suspects she is being hunted by an unfamiliar woman who keeps popping up in her close-knit neighborhood. With the help of her older brother, P tries to escape a grisly fate.

Where is the setting?
This story takes place in a charming little town on Halloween weekend. While the time period is left unknown, you'll see references to video stores and handwritten notes. I wanted the story to be set in a simpler time than text messages and Twitter because it requires more imagination.

How did you come up with the story-line?
R.L. Stine has a section on his website that describes how he comes up with ideas for his books. In it he states, "...Most of my ideas start with a title. I try to dream up a really good book title first. Once I have a title, it leads me to a story. By the way, I've never gotten a story idea from a dream. I have the most boring dreams!" 
While I envy the quality of sleep he must get, my writing process has been quite the opposite of Stine's. 
The concept for my current project manifested itself in the form of a dream. It was just like in the movies where the actor wakes up in a cold sweat and writes down every spine-tingling detail.The next morning I told my mom about it and the rest is history.

In addition, I still have no title for my book. It hasn't come to me yet but I hope when it does it will be as compelling as one of Stine's. 'Say Cheese and Die' and 'Vampire Breath' are two of my favorites. Until I find the right one, I'll keep tinkering around with ideas and scratching them out in my notebook. 

What is one thing I should know about your protagonist, P?

P is obsessed with Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. I'd say they are kindred spirits.

Why did you choose to write for children ages 8-12?
I looked back at my own life and remembered how special it was to be that age. It is an age where everything is still magical but so real at the same time. Anything can happen!

How long until you're finished with the book?
My goal is to have it completed by the summer of 2019. 

More questions or suggestions about the book?
Please contact me!

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