You really love horror. Is there something in your blood?
Actually, yes. Vlad the Impaler, the historical figure that inspired the character Dracula, is a relative of mine. Vlad's family name is Basarab which is my late grandmother’s maiden name. I tell people this is where my dark-side came from.

What made you decide to write a horror book for kids?
 With life comes transformations. I decided to focus my energy on a project that was meaningful. After a crazy dream and a few brainstorming sessions I began to write a story about a young girl and her struggle with a wretched woman. Once I started typing I couldn't stop. I hope to dabble in adult horror in the future. 

What scared you as a child?

 Lots of things scared me and still do. For a few years I couldn’t have mirrors in my bedroom because my dad told me the story of 'Bloody Mary'. I still think about it when I go to the bathroom late at night and all of the lights are off.

An element that I both feared and loved was black magic. At sleepovers my girlfriends and I would play Light-As-A-Feather-Stiff-As-A-Board. We would wait until midnight, turn off all of the lights, and fill the room with candles. I swear I witnessed someone levitate. 

My real world fear was being abducted by strangers. In the late nineties kids were being snatched up, never to be seen again. I still have to look over my shoulder when I'm out alone. You'll see this fear creep up in my first book. 

Oh, and sleep paralysis. Let's not forget that. 

Who is your favorite author?
Many authors inspire me but Ray Bradbury has been a long time favorite of mine. His book "Something Wicked This Way Comes" changed my literary life.

What is the best horror movie?
Someone asked me this once before when I wrote for an online horror journal and I answered "I'd rather give up drinking champagne for a year than be forced to answer that question." Today, the less rash version of me would say the first movie that sent me over the edge was Wes Craven's 'Scream'. I've probably watched the film 100 times.

What was your most memorable Halloween costume? 

 If you read the 'About Me' section you'll know in fifth grade I really got into horror. That year I dressed up as Brandon Lee from 'The Crow'. Everyone was shocked because this quiet little girl with straight A's came to school looking like the wrestler Sting.

Tell us one thing you'd never expect your reader to guess.

 My mom is a scaredy-cat. So much so, she is terrified of the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz. When I first asked her to read through a rough draft of my book she hesitated, saying "I'm scared to." After reminding her it was written for 10 year olds she laughed and obliged.


Why should I read your blog? 
Good question. Because you're bored at work, because you're avoiding doing the dishes, because you're my parent or other immediate family member, because you want to see if there are any brains behind all of that hair, or simply because you have an interest in literature and horror. Take your pick, but I vote the last one.


Is your editor, Iggy, available to read new submissions?
Iggy the cat is currently booked for the 2019-20 year and is not accepting new projects at this time. 

Ig relaxing after a stressful writing session. 

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